Portable Pro sharpening jig

Portable pro jig

The most advanced sharpening jig on the market! This super stable, accurate and reliable block belongs to the basic equipment of the real pro. The portable pro is finished to very tight tolerances so that skates can be sharpened with precision, with minimal time loss. The table can be set up and taken down in no time, and remains super stable! The table is easy to take to competitions in a special custom-made case. The case has space to safely store sharpening stones and accessories. Whichever size stones you use.

In this professional sharpening table, your skates are not placed over the entire length, but in two tilting clamps. This prevents a negative effect on your bending.

The table can be used for sharpening both long track and short track irons and is easy to read. The design and product are made in the Netherlands and made of the highest quality materials. Another innovative Viking invention!

 “quality is an investment in the future.. 